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This photograph was included in West Virginia University student, Louis Piccola's narrative documenting his military experience during World War II.

1. Bomb Damaged Town in Northern Europe During World War II

This photograph was included in West Virginia University student, Louis Piccalo's narrative documenting his military experiences during World War II. Note the only structure left standing are the stairs. The wall of bricks were probably stacked after the bombing.

2. Bomb Leveled Area in Northern Europe During World War II

The unidentified men shown here relaxing, were part of Cecil Teets' outfit which served in the Pacific Theater.

3. Men in 443rd Fighter Squadron, United States Army Air Force During World War II

Unidentified members of Cecil Teets' outfit which served in the Pacific Theater.

4. Men of 443rd Fighter Squadron, United States Army Air Force During World War II

Killed September 16, 1944 while fighting near Metz, France during World War II. Schneider's unit was under the command of General George Patton.

5. Alvin M. Schneider, Tech 5, 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 3rd Army, from Helvetia, W. Va.

Soldiers/Students gathered on North High Street with full pack and baggage, headed to the train depot in Morgantown. This publication documents how West Virginia University partner with the United States Armed Forces to train selected students for wartime service as officers, medical personel and techically skilled soldiers.

6. Cover of, 'West Virginia University and The War' by J. C. Easton, Associate Professor of History, West Virginia University

The Army Specialized Training Program was a military training program instituted by the United States Army during World War II at eleven American Universities, including West Virginia University. It was created to meet wartime demands for junior officers and soldiers with technical skills. These students pictured gather on campus for one more time before departing.

7. Coeds Mingle With ASTP Students on Eve of Departure, Morgantown, W. Va.

Information back of photo reads: "Looking down on some of the wrecked and abandoned Nazi equipment left in the courtyard of the City Hall in the 10th District of Paris after the French capital's liberation August 25, 1944. The Nazis used the building as a telephone center and fortress. Their resistance was strong here and many members of the Maquis were massacred and buried in the courtyard."

8. Abandoned Nazi Vehicles Fill Paris Courtyards, Paris, France

The Battle of Biak was a battle that took place during World War II in Biak, New Guinea from May 27 1944 to August 17 1944. It is famous for being the first time the Japanese allowed uncontested landings of U.S. troops so that they would run into a trap they had prepared inland. The capture of the island cost the U.S. 474 deaths and 2,428 injuries. The Japanese fought until the very end losing 6,100 men to death. The Japanese soldiers would use these caves as fortification and they would be stockpiled with enough ammunition, food, and water to last for months.

9. U.S. Army Troops Enter Cave; Biak, New Guinea

A group of uniformed male students walk across the entrance way of Wise Library.

10. Special Forces Training on WVU Campus During World War Two, Morgantown, W. Va.

School children gather paper to recycle during World War II. Behind them is the school, which is located on Fourth Avenue.Pictured in the front row, from left to right, is Doug Richmond; Dick Hackney; "Dink" Montgomery; and Wilbur "Buster" Halstead.In the back row, from left to right, is Bill Nichols; Lee Patton; Jimmy Harvey; Ronnie Keaton; Glen Patrick McCormick; Tommy Payne; and Garland Graham.

11. Paper Drive by Central Grade School Students, Hinton, W. Va.

Adkins in uniform within a military base.

12. Donnie Adkins of Summers County, W. Va. during Time as Soldier in World War II