Search Results

'Members of the Spruce Street Methodist Church Choir include: First Row: Anne Lawrence, Barbara Adams, Jennifer Warman, Dixie Casteel, Joyce Ryan, Jo Dell Wilhelm, Marsha Field, Jane Howard. Second Row: Susan Field, Mikki WIlliamson, Janet Donaldson, Metta Robinson, Sue Haas, Martha Sue Jones. Third Row: Charles Shaffer, Kent Pomeroy, Richard Galway, John Blosser, Bill Raider. Organist (Far Left) Carolyn DeVault.'

1. Spruce Street Methodist Church Choir, Morgantown, W. Va.

Row one:  Peggy Watts, Mrs. Dozia, Jennifer Jones.  Row two: Charlie Garlow, Earl Tryon, George Cutty, unknown.  Row three: Ann Neff, Charlotte Lazelle, unknown, unknown.  Row four:  unknown, Mrs. Penrod, unknown, Barbara Creel.  Row five:  Mrs. Wohrl, Pat Murphy, Jane Shetler, Virginia Wood.

2. Youth Choir of the Presbyterian Church, Morgantown, W. Va.