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'From left to right:  Doug Bowers, Salvati, unknown, unknown, Paul Miller, Okey Glenn, unknown, Kirkpatrick, William Thompson.'

13. West Virginia University President (1962-1966) Paul Ausborn Miller with Board of Governors

14. Switchboard, West Virginia University

15. Switchboard, West Virginia University

Woodburn Hall is behind the Press Box structure.

16. Construction of Press Box, Mountaineer Field, West Virginia University

17. Medical Center, West Virginia University

18. Dolphins Club Members, West Virginia University

19. Spokes, Women's Honorary, West Virginia University

20. Governor Cecil Underwood and a Young Girl

Digging a hole.

21. Governor Cecil Underwood (Left) and WVU President Elvis J. Stahr, W. Va.

Man holding the child is probably James Williams. This was possibly the last steam powered locomotive to pass through Hinton. Other information on the back on the photograph includes: "Hinton Daily News Coll. from Fred Long to Stephen Trail Su Co WV ... - 1996"

22. Meadow River No. 7 Steam Engine at Hinton Yards, Hinton, West Virginia

Inscribed on the back of Photograph: "Meadow River Engine No. 7 at Hinton Yards enroute to Cass. Standing on the footboard with his camera is John E. Faulconer of the Hinton Daily News; Holding the child is James P. Williams, C&O (Chesapeake & Ohio) Brakeman. Also in the photograph is Raymon Ratliff, C&O Dispatcher. Others are not identified. By 1964, diesel engines had replaced the once famous steam engine."

23. Last Steam Locomotive to Pass Through Hinton, West Virginia

See origianl for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

24. Sacred Heart Hospital; Richwood, W. Va.