Search Results

Tracks run along cut in hillside.  Train engine back in the distance.

133. Shay and Steam Shovel in the Big Cut

Side view of Shay train engine.

134. Shay No. 7 Cass Scenic Railroad

Shay No. 7 train engine from the side.

135. Shay No. 7. Cass Scenic Railroad

Side view of Shay No. 7 train engine. Tracks in foreground.

136. Shay No. 7. Cass Scenic Railroad

Side view of Shay #8 train engine.  Two crew members in the front, two crew members in the train engine.

137. Shay No. 8 at Water Tanks, With Crew Front-Side

W.Va. Pulp and Paper Company.  Keeper's house on far shore.  Grant County, W.Va.

138. Stoney River Dam

Front left side 3/4.  On back of original photo it says, "I was the first engineer, got her new from Lima, Ohio.  Robert Dean? or A.E. Perkins?"

139. Shay No. 10 at Water Tank

Group of male workers.

140. Logging Crew

Unfinished engine shop.

141. Cass Shop Under Construction

Cass Scenic Railroad.  Two train engines at station.  Original from Earl Palmer.

142. Shay No. 5 and No. 7 at Cass Station.

Mill with old stumps in foreground.

143. Lumber Mill at Spruce, W. Va.

Three men standing on top of a stack.  Cass, WV.

144. Crew Posing on top of Stack No. 1 at Cass Lumber Mill (during construction)