Search Results

A man in a police uniform sits on top of a horse while holding a gun.

13. Police Officer on Horse, Glen Jean, W. Va.

A woman and two men are pictured at the building's entrance.

14. Glen Jean Cleaning and Dyeing Works, Glen Jean, W. Va.

Three men are pictured at the store's entrance.

15. Davis and Gray Store, Glen Jean, W. Va.

View looking over the pumping station and onto the road.

16. Partial View of Glen Jean, W. Va.

A group of men, women, and children are pictured loitering in front of the store entrance.

17. New River Company Store, Harvey, W. Va.

A man leads a horse along the road. Four men stand at the saloon window.

18. Lige Lee's Saloon, Mount Hope, Fayette County, W. Va.

Men and women are pictured outside of the store entrance.

19. Loup Creek Colliery Company Store, Page, W. Va.

A number of automobiles are parked along the street. Visible signs include 'Hardware & Furniture,' an advertisement for Wrigley's gum, an advertisement for a play or movie called 'Baby Mine,' Ford and Chevrolet, and Frigidaire.

20. Main Street, Mount Hope, W. Va.

Horse-drawn carriages are loaded with crates outside of the bakery building, which advertises wholesale goods.

21. Mount Hope Bakery, Mount Hope, W. Va.

A group of men with bottles are pictured in front of the saloon entrance.

22. Need-more Saloon, Cirtsville, W. Va.

The town is situated on the Fayette County-Raleigh County line. In the rear is the Hatfield Saloon. A barber shop and restaurant are also pictured. Winfred Sheppard was the owner of one of these establishments and is also pictured.

23. Need-More Saloon, Cirtsville, W. Va.

Merchant's & Miners Bank Building pictured on the right.

24. Mine Street, Oak Hill, W. Va.