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The church was established in 1824 after a series of meetings took place in the homes of settles, sometimes forcing attendees to travel as many as 50 miles.

2209. Zoar Baptist Church, Keslers Cross Lanes, Nicholas County, W. Va.

The church was officially organized in 1860 at the close of a "revival crusade."

2210. New Prospect Baptist Church, Leivasy, Nicholas County, W. Va.

The church was established in 1850. Of the 60 original members, 29 of them were part of the McClung family.

2211. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Mt. Lookout, Nicholas County, W. Va.

The church was organized in 1860.  The present church was built sometime around 1930-1940.  Previously church members, both Primitive Baptists and Missionary Baptists, worshiping in barns, outside, or in homes in the community.

2212. Sand Lick Baptist Church, Laurel Fork, Webster County, W. Va.

The church was established before 1847 when a small group of Christians decided to build a church in what is now the Mt. Nebo community. Grave markers for Civil War veterans can still be found in the church's graveyard today. The exact date of the church's establishment is unknown.

2213. Gilgal Methodist Church near Mt. Nebo, Nicholas County, W. Va.

The church was established some time between 1803 and 1810. During the Civil War, church members were openly divided as "northern" members would hold service inside the church while "southern" members would stand outside or vice-versa.

2214. Bethel Methodist Church, Poe, Nicholas County, W. Va.

The church was established in 1820 and officially unified all branches of the denomination within the Summersville area in 1939.

2215. Memorial Methodist Church, Summersville, Nicholas County, W. Va.

The church was established in 1818 after years of mass ceremonies, baptisms, and other sacraments were administered in people's homes. During the Civil War, both the Union and Confederate soldiers used the original building for a fort and base hospital before Union soldiers completely destroyed it.

2216. St. John's Catholic Church, Summersville, Nicholas County, W. Va.

The church was established in March of 1861. During a service in April, Fort Sumter was fired upon and the church was given little opportunity to hold services as neighbors and families were divided during the Civil War.

2217. Summersville Baptist Church, Summesrville, Nicholas County, W. Va.

The church was founded in 1893. The church has had a few different names and locations. In 1894 it moved to a large frame building and acquired it's name of Fairview.

2218. Fairview Methodist Church, Spillman Mt., Webster County W. Va.

The church was established in 1829 when a group of Long Run residents baptized by Alexander Campbell began to meet in private homes for worship.

2219. West Liberty Christian Church, West Liberty, Ohio County, W. Va.

The church began and grew with the frontier settlement of Wheeling, W. Va. In the spring of 1785, three years after the last battle of the Revolutionary War was fought at Fort Henry, the congregation was established and proceeded without any official building until 1818.

2220. Fourth Street Methodist Church, Wheeling, Ohio County, W. Va.