Search Results

Portrait of Charles Harper, born March 9, 1862, died October 12, 1947.

2653. Charles Harper

Portrait of the Harper family.

2654. Harper Family Portrait, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Photograph previously identified as Carrie and Lester Harper.

2655. Elizabeth Harper and friend

Carrie Harper Harman (on right) and sister Betty Brody Teter (on left).

2656. Carrie and Betty Harper

Carrie Harper Harman (on right) and unidentified woman looking at a book.

2657. Carrie Harper and Unidentified Woman

Portrait of the Harper family.  Pictured are Charles and Loretta, parents, Carrie Harper, daughter, and Mary Alice, Carrie's daughter.

2658. Harper Family

Unidentified members of the Harper family with puppies.

2659. Harper Family and Puppies, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Charles Harper and friend John Harman from Riverton, W. Va.

2660. Charles Harper and Friend

Members of the Harper Family. Pictured, left to right, are Grandmother Harper, Mary Elizabeth Harper, and Great Uncle Charlie.

2661. Members of the Harper Family

Charles, Loretta, and Elizabeth Harper.

2662. Harper Family Members

Two Harper family members "fighting."

2663. Harper Family Fight

Portrait of Loretta Daniels Harper.

2664. Portrait of Loretta Harper