Search Results

"The little log house in the center was the house of Leonard and Phebe Hinkle Harper for about 9 years."The house was still standing in 2017 in Circleville, W. Va. owned by the Warner family.

2701. Harper Family Home, Circleville, W. Va.

Barn and tractor on farm.

2702. Farm, Aurora, W. Va.

"May 3rd 1934, Stayed here all night."

2703. Romney, W. Va.

Two men, likely police, riding on a Harley Davidson motorcycle with side car.

2704. Men on Motorcycle

Entrance to the Fairmont Coal's Monongah Mine in Fairmont, W. Va.

2705. Entrance to a Coal Mine, Fairmont, W. Va.

"The miner is using a compressed-air drill to drive a hole in the lower edge of the working face of the coal vein."

2706. Mining Bituminous Coal, Pa.

2707. House No. 100, Likely in Gary, W. Va.

2708. Number Nine Mine Entrance, Filbert, W. Va.

2709. Number Four Mine Entrance

United States Coal and Coke Company tipple and plant.

2710. No. 10 Tipple and Plant, Gary, W. Va.

"Rooters when Marietta made a great play at Marietta - Morgantown foot-ball game." Photo postcard.

2711. Fans at Marietta vs West Virginia University Football Game

Photo postcard of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity house on North High Street in Morgantown, W. Va.

2712. Delta Tau Delta Fraternity House, Morgantown, W. Va.