Search Results

Three men stand below a foot bridge spanning a ravine at Coopers Rock State Forest, W. Va.

2761. Foot Bridge, Cooper Rocks, Near Morgantown, W. Va.

2762. Hay Stack Rock Near Cooper Rocks, Morgantown, W. Va.

"Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis at Locust Valley, Their Long Island Home."

2763. Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis

View over Cheat Lake from Mont Chateau State Park.

2764. View from Mont Chateau, W. Va.

A view of a graffiti-ed rock wall at Coopers Rock.

2765. Coopers Rock, Near Morgantown, W. Va.

"Forgetting his cares of leadership - John W. Davis, Democratic Nominee for President, at Home"

2766. Portrait of John W. Davis

"John W. Davis and Charles W. Bryan--Democratic candidates for President and Vice President"

2767. John W. Davis and Charles W. Bryan

A view of the former lodge of Morgantown's branch of the Masonic Order, located on the corner of High and Willey Streets.

2768. Masonic Temple, Morgantown, W. Va.

A group of young men and women pose on a rocky hillside near the Cheat River, W. Va.

2769. On Cheat River, W. Va.

View looking south down High Street.

2770. High Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

A view north up Spruce Street with Cox House on the right.

2771. Spruce St., Morgantown, W. Va.

A large group of male glass workers, primarily children or young adults.

2772. Star City Glass Workers, Star City, W. Va.