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Left to right, Mrs. Jean Penrod, President Elvis Stahr, Mary Davis Gerchow, Mrs. Stahr, Penrod, R.M. Davis.

1297. Faculty Members during Freshman Week, West Virginia University

'The Beanery' at WVU poses on a front porch. Identified are: Charles Alexander Ellison, second row, second from right in uniform; Addison Dunlap Ellison, third row front right, in uniform, hand on his brother's shoulder.'

1298. Members of The Beanery at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

The first black graduate of WVU in 1954, Hodge became a journalist and subsequently a newspaper editor at the News American in Baltimore. He also taught at Howard University in Washington D. C.

1299. Jack Hodge, West Virginia University, Class of 1954

This class photograph was taken on the steps outside Colson Hall. None of the subjects are identified.

1300. West Virginia University College of Law Class, Morgantown, W. Va.

1301. Professor Leo Fishman's Economics Class, West Virginia University

Both women were West Virginians and renown authors and poets.

1302. Poet Louise McNeill Pease and Pearl Buck in front of Civil War Broadsides and Engravings

1303. Physics Professor Stanley Farr, West Virginia University

1304. Students in Chemistry Laboratory, West Virginia University

Standing in the middle is Betty Boyd, on the  left in plaid is Sarah Lilly, on the right facing front is Ann Sleeth, Craig Michel is seated to her right.

1305. Betty Boyd Interacts with Faculty and Students, West Virginia University

1306. Art Exhibit at Fine and Lively Arts Festival, West Virginia University

"Mast of the battleship 'West Virginia', 1923-46.  A tribute to her gallant crew and to all West Virginians who have served our country in the armed forces, May 11, 1963."

1307. Plaque Mounted on Mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia in Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

The mast lays in a field before it is erected at West Virginia University's Memorial Plaza, which is located directly in front of Oglebay Hall.

1308. Mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia Before Erected on Memorial Plaza, Morgantown, W. Va.