Search Results

'Buck is Center and Louise Sherwood is to Buck's right.' Louise McNeill Pease on the left.

1321. Pearl S. Buck with Friends

Byrd plays a tune with Country singer Roy Clark on the popular TV show "Hee Haw".'Originals moved to R.C.B. Center for Legislative Studies, Shepherd University; digital.'

1322. Robert C. Byrd Plays Fiddle on TV Show with Roy Clark

Brother of Marmaduke H. Dent.

1323. Hill R. D. Dent, Grafton, W. Va.

A member and administrator of the Freewill Baptist congregation in New England, Curtis was one the founders of several mission schools established in the Shenandoah Valley to educated freed slaves and their children after the Civil War. Curtis was also instrumental in the founding of Storer College in Harpers Ferry.

1324. Silas Curtis

1325. Folk Musician, Doc White with His Fiddle

Pierpont served as the governor of the Loyal Government of Virginia during the Civil War and helped to establish the new state of West Virginia.

1326. Francis Harrison Pierpont from Fairmont, W. Va.

1327. West Virginia Governor Jay Rockefeller

The Arbogast Band (Brothers): P. W. Arbogast, William Arbogast, Lawrence Arbogast, Ceciel Arbogast, Russel Arbogast, Leallon Arbogast, father Arites Arbogast, Don Nicholas, and Clyde Tracy.

1328. Portrait of Arbogast Band

Chadwick was born and raised in Morgantown. After graduating from the Monongalia Academy, Chadwick entered the U. S. Naval Academy at the outbreak of the Civil War. A decorated hero during the Spanish-American War, Chadwick was prominent in the naval reform movement of the post-Civil War era.

1329. United States Navy Rear Admiral French Ensor Chadwick from Morgantown, W. Va.

1330. Johnson Newlon Camden

From WVU College of Mineral and Energy Resources Scrapbook.

1331. Mine Building

1332. Mine Building