Search Results

The farm of the West Virginia Artificial Breeders' Cooperative.

733. West Virginia Artificial Breeders' Cooperative Farm

734. Photograph Found in Louis Bennett's Royal Air Force Wallet

735. Photograph Found in Louis Bennett's Royal Air Force Wallet

Blurry portrait of Agra Bennett as presented at First Coronation Court [sic] in London.

736. Bennett, Agra as Presented at First Coronation Court [sic], London

737. Unidentified Woman, Photograph Found in Louis Bennett's Royal Air Force Wallet

View of the Pressed Prism Glass Factory located in Sabraton, West Virginia.

738. Pressed Prism Glass Factory, Sabraton, W Va.

739. Photograph Found in Louis Bennett's Royal Air Force Wallet

740. Unidentified Woman, Photograph Found in Louis Bennett's Royal Air Force Wallet

741. Photograph Found in Louis Bennett's Royal Air Force Wallet

An unidentified Fostoria Co. worker on the job adding the base to a glass goblet.

742. Fostoria Glass Company Worker 'Adding the Base'

Glass blower and mold boy  with other glass workers in Grafton, West Virginia.  Credit National Archives, 102-LH-151.

743. Glass Blower and Mold Boy, Grafton, W. Va.

Candid portrait of a carrying-in boy working at the lehr in a glass factory in Grafton, West Virginia. Credit National Archives 102-LH-164.

744. Carrying-In Boy at the Lehr. Grafton, W. Va.