Search Results

A group of unidentified men spend time by the swimming hole located on the banks of New River. Here, life saving techniques were taught to the members of the Civilians Conservation Corps (CCC).

1. C.C.C. Workers at a Swimming Hole, Summers County, W. Va.

The unidentified men of the Civilians Conservation Corps pose by the swimming hole off the banks of New River.

2. C.C.C. Workers Sit by a Swimming Hole, Summers County, W. Va.

"Daisy" Miller Gooch pictured in the fore ground splashing. The girls are relatives of James H. Miller.

3. Miller Girls Swimming in Mouth of Bluestone River, Summers County, W. Va.

A young woman holds her son up in the water. Barger Springs, also known as Greenbrier Springs, is located along the Greenbrier River.

4. Mother and Child Swimming at Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.

A boy and girl share an inner tube while floating in the waters, also known as Greenbrier Springs, which is located off of the Greenbrier River. Subjects unidentified.

5. Children Swimming in Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.