Search Results
- 052002
- Title:
- Shore Battery in Hawaii
- Date:
- ca. 1940
- Description:
- American military work with coastal artillery during a defense campaign. Photograph comes from a U.S.S. West Virginia scrapbook.
- 052003
- Title:
- U.S.S. West Virginia Crossing the Equator
- Date:
- ca. 1939-1945
- Description:
- Crew members pal around during the crossing initiation ceremony, where sailors who have never crossed the equator before are "brought before Neptune" and tested.
- 052004
- Title:
- View of Manhattan, New York City, Likely from Decks of U.S.S. West Virginia
- Date:
- ca. 1939-1945
- Description:
- View of the New York City skyline.
- 052005
- Title:
- U.S.S. West Virginia beneath Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge, Ca.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- The U.S.S. West Virginia floats beneath the bridge.
- 052006
- Title:
- Wilda Juanita Turner, Weston, W. Va.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Wilda married Robert Hugh Butcher in 1934.
- 052007
- Title:
- Dolly Kemper Turner, Weston, W. Va.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Dolly went on to marry Claude Turner (b. 1891- d. 1968). Together, they had a daughter, Wilda Juanita Turner Butcher (b. 1915- d. 1999).
- 052008
- Title:
- Juanita Turner and Friends, Polk Creek, Weston, W. Va.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Juanita, pictured on the left standing, is with her friends Wilda, Ruth, Garlow, Virginia, Jo, and Bobbie.
- 052009
- Title:
- Wilda Juanita Turner Butcher, Weston, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1920
- Description:
- Portrait of a young Wilda Juanita Turner as she reads a book.
- 052010
- Title:
- Claude Turner and Granddaughter with Dogs, Weston, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1938
- Description:
- Claude Turner poses with his two dogs while his granddaughter Elizabeth Carole Butcher (b. 1934) balances on the automobile's bumper. Elizabeth later married a Weaver family member.
- 052011
- Title:
- James Leonard Butcher at Filling Station in Weston, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1952/04
- Description:
- Butcher stands in front of a tire at Hitt's Filling Station in Weston, W. Va. He is 3 years old in this photograph.
- 052012
- Title:
- Robert Hugh Butcher Outside Hitt's Store, Weston, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1952/04
- Description:
- Butcher leans against an automobile outside the store in Lewis County, W. Va.
- 052013
- Title:
- Zinn Family Member, Unidentified Location
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Portrait of Uncle Doc's oldest daughter.