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Text on back reads, "Caption 'Actual photograph, hand painted with finest (?) oils' on original frame."

53413. Covered Bridge Over Cheat River, Route 50, W. Va.

A bird's eye view looking down over the Greenbrier River toward Marlinton, W. Va.

53414. Greenbrier River at Marlinton, Route U. S. 219

A bird's eye view of the Greenbrier River in Greenbrier County, W. Va.

53415. Along Greenbrier River South of Lewisburg, Route W. Va. 54

A woman sits reading a book and a man plays a fiddle cradled in the crook of his arm.

53416. Domestic Scene in Clarksburg, W. Va.

A view of the Governor's mansion showing the capitol building in the background.

53417. West Virginia Governor's Mansion in Charleston, W. Va.

The photo shows a room in the Capitol Building where artifacts of import in West Virginia's history are stored.

53418. Historical Room, Capitol Building, Charleston, W. Va.

An artist's rendering of the future Capitol Building by Chesley Bonestell, most well known for his space paintings. Bonestell worked off of architect Cass Gilbert's drawings, with construction of the building only starting the following year. Note the "placeholder" inscription around the base of the dome.

53419. Artist's Rendering of Future West Virginia Capitol Building, Charleston, W. Va.

53420. Center Charleston, W. Va.

A print of architectural artist Hugh Ferriss's rendering of Cass Gilbert's design for a new capitol building for West Virginia. The print was produced by the well known architectural photograph company, the Wurts Brothers of New York.

53421. Artist's Rendering of West Virginia State Capitol, Charleston, W. Va.

This structure was the original Baptist Temple in Charleston on Morris Avenue. It was later replaced.

53422. Baptist Temple at Charleston, W. Va.

A view of Camp Poland, a military camp in operation between June 1898 and January 1899. It served as a muster point for troops called up for the Spanish-American War.

53423. Camp Poland, Knoxville, Tenn.

This column of coal was designed by Neil Robinson of Charleston, W. Va. for the 1907 Jamestown Ter-centennial Exhibition, held in Norfolk, Virginia.

53424. West Virginia Coal Column, Jamestown Exposition Grounds, Va.