Search Results

'Left-newly elected president of the Morgantown Junior Chamber of Commerce, Don Marstiller accepts congratulations from retiring president Franklin Stewart at the annual Jaycee Installation banquet held Friday evening at the Arthurdale Inn. The affair was to honor Mr. Martsiller and the other newly elected officers of the organization who are Joe Horton, vice president of internal affairs, Jim Fredlock, vice president of external affairs, and Kirk Curry, re-elected secretary Treasurer. Following the dinner was a dance with music furnished by Eddy Flotz for the enjoyment of members and guests.'

445. Morgantown Junior Chamber of Commerce, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group standing behind a trash bin.  The men are from left to right: Bob Creel, Earl Reiner, unknown, Z. A. Clark.

446. Clean Up Award Group, Morgantown, W. Va.

447. Visitors at the Newspaper Printing Plant, Morgantown, W. Va.

Cutting the cake is Clarence Johnson.

448. Celebrating the Birthday of International Red Cross, Morgantown, W. Va.

Left, J. Lee Rice, Jr. and Right, Don Kammert.

449. Monongahela Power Officials, Morgantown, W. Va,

450. Judy Haley, Jane Taylor, Mary Ann Sellaro, Mary Francis Duffer, Mary Beth Quigley, Teresa DeAngelis and Jane McClung

Top row, left to right: Jane McClung, Mary Frances Duffer, Jane Taylor and Mary Beth Quigley.  Bottom row, left to right: Judy Haley, Teresa DeAngelis and Mary Ann Sellaro.

451. Unidentified Young Women's Group, Morgantown, W. Va.

'LUTC Graduates-Graduates of the Life Underwriters' Training Council class are shown after completing the eight-month course at Fairmont State College. The local men were among 1,200 in the United States who completed the course. From left are H.F. Bondy, Hartzel Jones, LUTC chairman; D.E. Daniel, Noel Nuzum, R. H. Funk, Bernard Stalder, Robert Fancher, Ray Van Gilder, Al Hess, Orville Postlewait, assistant instructor; Russell I. Callett, John L. Romeo, instructor, and Raymond McVicker. Not shown are R.W. Field and F.W. Sanders of Kingwood.'

452. Life Underwriters' Training Council Graduates, Morgantown, W. Va.

A group portrait of the Girls' Glee Club of Riverside Junior High School. Seated left to right are: Cheryl Moats, Sharon Toothman, Bettie Lofstead, Jessie Beach, Cindy Kurcaba (accompanist) and Karen Newbraugh (accompanist). Standing left to right are: Jennifer Steele, Judy Calvert, Julia Lakatos, Priscilla Pratt, Linda McMillen, Delania Johnson, Linda Kimble, and Kathy Staggs.

453. Riverside Junior High School Students, Morgantown, W. Va.

454. Women at an Unidentified Event in Morgantown, W. Va.

Woman with ribbon is Mrs. Kennell.  The boy on the left is Bill Kennell.

455. Decorating a Stage, Morgantown, W. Va.

456. Three Designs for the Friends of the Library Seal, Morgantown, W. Va.