Search Results

45841. Gilmer County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Signs on cottage read: "Electric kitchens; Electric Laundries."

45842. Kanawha County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Cabin builders pose in front of building.

45843. Randolph County Log Cabin, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Located inside 4-H Club cottage. West Penn Public Service Co.

45844. Electrical Apparatus, Kanawha County, W. Va.

45845. Randolph County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Group of 4-H members pose in front of cottage as late stages of construction are completed.

45846. Monroe County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

45847. Dedication of Calhoun County Cottage at Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

45848. Upshur County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

45849. 4-H Club Dining Hall Under Construction, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

45850. Monongalia County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Dr. George W. Morgan was an alumnus of WVU and practiced medicine in Putnam County until his death at the age of twenty six in a typhoid epidemic.

45851. Dr. George W. Morgan

Postlewaithe Farm.

45852. Farmhouse Bedroom, Wetzel County W. Va.