Search Results

45985. Pearl Buck Stands Outside Car With Packed Luggage

Portrait of unidentified young man, likely Pearl Buck's brother.

45986. Portrait of Unidentified Young Man

A view of the WVU campus in 1952. Note Eiesland Hall under construction.

45987. Aerial View of West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

Portrait of unidentified young man, likely Pearl Buck's brother.

45988. Portrait of Unidentified Young Man

45989. Richard Walsh, Pearl S. Buck's Second Husband

45990. Portrait of Pearl Buck

45991. Pearl Buck Carrying Baby

45992. Pearl Buck Carrying Baby

45993. Pearl Buck Carrying Baby

Boy standing in front of house on winter day.

45994. Adopted Children at Pearl Buck's Home

45995. Children Preparing to Shovel Snow In Front of House

45996. Children Shoveling Pathway Through Snow