Search Results

Thomas Jefferson Taylor (man in center), died ca. 1944, father of Edith Green.

349. Community Band of St. Mary's, W. Va.

350. Group Relaxing After Finishing Painting Railroad Cars, Western Pa.

Group of people sit outside of shack alongside road watching group of five shoot guns.

351. Railroad Scene in Western Pa.

Off of Green's Run, near St. Mary's, West Virginia.

352. Julia Taylor, Sister of Edith Green on Orchard View Farm, Pleasants County, W. Va.

353. Virginia Green Feeding Chickens in Apple Orchard, Orchard View Farm, Pleasants Co., W. Va.

354. Julia Taylor, Sister of Edith Green on Orchard View Farm, Pleasants Co., W. Va.

355. Green Boys Alongside Railroad Tracks, Rosemont, Pa.

356. Scene on the Allegheny River, James Edwin Green Sr.'s Home, Foxburg, Pa.

Scene is in Tucker County, West Virginia.

357. Steam Powered Log Loader Working in the Woods, Edam, W. Va.

Edith Green is the woman on the right, other two are unidentified.

358. Selling Apples, Foxburg, Pa.

359. Edith Green in Blossom Row With Chickens, Orchard View Farm, Pleasants Co., W. Va.

360. Oil Field Machinery Being Pulled By Teams of Horses, Pleasants Co., W. Va.