Search Results

745. Tracks for Coal Cart Transportation Out of Mine

746. EWM Baseball Team Group Photo

747. Machinery Inside of Lumber Mill

Many people are gathered in cemetery across the street from church building.

748. M.E. Church and Parsonage, Masontown, W. Va.

749. People On Solid Ground Watch Group on Top of Unfinished Bridge

Piles of cut timber awaits further processing.

750. Lumber Mill Operations Take a Pause For Photograph

Back room appears to be overflowing with wool.

751. Interior of Woolen Mill

752. Interior View of Mill

753. Mill Workers Stand Around Machinery

754. Mount Moriah M.E. Church Sunday School Class, Mount Moriah, W. Va.

755. Mine Entrance In Wooded Area

Race won by 'Merry Widow'.

756. Crowd Watches Harness Race at Fairgrounds, Morgantown, W. Va.