Search Results

Farm house can be seen at the top of hill.

853. Fruit Farm, Near Morgantown, W. Va.

854. Soda Water Stand at Yough Camping Club, Connellsville, Pa.

855. Person Inside of Cornwell Cave, Preston Co., W. Va.

856. Cornwell Cave Walls Covered in Bats, Preston Co., W. Va.

857. Two Boys in Front of Soda Water Stand at Camp Yough Point Pistols at Each Other, Connellsville, Pa.

858. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal

859. View of Unidentified Mine and Miner

860. Group at Campground Near Morgantown, W. Va.

861. Group Next to Tents at Campground Near Morgantown, W. Va.

Several men are holding rifles, possibly a hunting camp.

862. Large Group Relax in Hammocks at Campsite

863. Group of Young Men Holding Rifles Outside of Tent Area at Hunting Camp

864. Rifle Inside of Cornwell Cave, Preston Co., W. Va.