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Women in middle holds book titled: "Pentecostal Hymns Number Three".

565. Group of Elderly Church Women

566. View From Hill of Farmland and Homestead In Far Distance

Young man behind seated woman appears to be holding a gourd while the man next to him holds onto what appears to be corn stalks.

567. Family Members Outside of Home

Baby sits in back of horse drawn wagon playing among the hay.

568. Group of Farmers Harvesting Bushels of Hay

569. Early Map of West Virginia and Several Surrounding States

570. Rock Formation in Unidentified Location

571. Group of Men Hold Onto Reins While Standing on Wagon Each Being Pulled By Two Horses

572. Family Portrait on Side of Road

573. Family Riding in Horse and Buggy

574. Woman in Boat Along Edge of Water

575. Boy Holds Onto Reins of Horse Twice His Size

576. Group of Men Pose Next to Flag Pole