Search Results

A house at the intersection of Smith and Cherry Streets, destroyed, Bridgeport, W. Va.

385. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

A house on Water Street destroyed by tornado, Bridgeport, W. Va.

386. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

A house destroyed by tornado, near intersection of Smith Street and Pennsylvania Avenue being torn down.

387. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

The Blake's Apartment damaged by tornado of 1970 at the bottom of Pennsylvania Avenue, Bridgeport, W. Va.

388. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

Shown here is the intersection of Cherry Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, a power shovel is brought in to clean up the debris.

389. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

Steve Helmick and Wife's home on the corner of Cherry & Lawman Street.  Their house is "Lustron Porcelain Home, made in Ohio".

390. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

Workers clearing the fallen trees by tornado on the corner of Lawman Street and Cherry Avenue.

391. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

The damage on the home of Steve Helmick on the corner of Cherry Street and Lawman  Avenue.

392. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

Betty Wyatt's car destroyed by tornado of 1970.

393. Tornado Damage, Bridgeport, W. Va.

'South of the Industrial School at Salem and for a mile to the west is a case of "piracy".  The ravines formerly drained toward the east with outlets about thirty feet above their present outlets.  Later a stream flowing west with steeper gradient trenched the old coll for a mile, capturing the water from these ravines turning it westward and shifting the divide from its former position a mile west to the location that it now has.  This shows nicely on a topographic map of the region.  The view is from the west toward the east, into the coll where the drainage has been reversed.'

394. Industrial School. Salem, West Virginia

395. View of Coll, Harrison County

396. Bridgeport Country Club, Bridgeport, W. Va.