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Ted Kennedy campaigns for his brother, John F. Kennedy, during the 1960 presidential campaign. Kennedy stands on a podium and speaks to the crowd. In the background, a citizen holds a sign that reads, "A Time for Greatness: Kennedy for President."

1225. Edward "Ted" Kennedy Campaigning in Hinton, W. Va.

Then senator Kennedy campaigning in the presidential election in 1960 against Richard Nixon. Kennedy's speeches reflected a strong awareness of a significant decline in coal-mining jobs. The coal miner to his left is unidentified.

1226. John F. Kennedy with a Coal Miner in Mullins, W. Va.

Kennedy visits a coal mine and miners during his presidential campaign against Richard Nixon.

1227. John F. Kennedy Campaigning in Mullens, W. Va.

Kee, then administrative assistant of his mother, Congresswoman Elizabeth Kee, hands a light-colored wood gavel to Senator Kennedy who is campaigning for the presidential election against Richard Nixon.

1228. James Kee Passing Gavel to John F. Kennedy in Daniel Boone Hotel, Charleston, W. Va.

Kennedy speaks to a crowd gathered around the podium. To Kennedy's right is brother, Ted (Edward) Kennedy, and West Virginia political figure, A. James Manchin.

1229. Senator John F. Kennedy Campaigning during Presidential Election in Hinton, West Virginia

Second from right is Odie Meador, the owner of the steak house located along Route 3. The steak house is now Cameo Club.

1230. Meador Lumber Company Outside Kozy Kove Steak House, Summers County, W. Va.

A young boy is pictured sticking his head outside the window of the lumber carrying truck.

1231. Meador Lumber Company Truck Outside of Kozy Kove Steak House, Summers County, W. Va.

People wait at the station for the train en-route to Kiwanis International Convention.

1232. Passengers Waiting for Train at C. & O. Station, Hinton, W. Va.

A train is passing on the bridge.

1233. C. & O. Crossing Bridge at Fayette, W. Va.

Sheb Gudley pinning president's pin on Bob Keller.

1234. Kiwanis Installation of Officers Ceremony, Hinton, W. Va.

Pictured next to Eddy Cobb, team manager and coach, is Richard Rodes, Danny Smith, an unidentified boy and Tom Faulkner. The rest are also unidentified. This was the all-star team.

1235. Hinton Little League at Bluestone Park, Bellepoint, W. Va.

Home of Henry Lively who was father to Lester Lively.

1236. Henry Lively Home, Ballengee, W. Va.