Search Results

Looking at the building from across the street. Originally built in 1894, it was destroyed by a fire and rebuilt in 1935.

721. Colonel Parker's Opera House, Hinton, W. Va.

Looking at the building from Front Street. Sign reads, "Mark Every Grave: Hinton Marble Works. W. B. Loomis".

722. Hinton Marble Works, Hinton, W. Va.

Loomis at work in his shop located on Front Street. Loomis carved most of the stones that grace the graves of pioneer railroaders that settled in Hinton in its infancy. Loomis died in 1936.

723. William Loomis in His Marble Works Shop, Hinton, W. Va.

Loomis sits in the doorway of his shop located on Front Street.

724. W.M. Loomis On Steps of His Marble Works Shop, Hinton, W. Va.

Loomis watches as two cats walk through the yard.

725. W.M. Loomis Beside His Marble Works Shop, Hinton, W. Va.

Loomis pictured in overalls standing next to wooden crates.

726. W.M. Loomis In Front of His Marble Works Shop, Hinton, W. Va.

Looking at the old inn from across the hill.

727. Brunswick Inn, Hinton, W. Va.

Starret, left, and Ewing, right, pose in a pretend "face-off" with their pistols. Starret starred in western films while Ewing ran the Ritze Theatre. The two men in the background are unidentified.

728. Charles Starrett & Ray Ewing in Hinton Daily News Office, Hinton, W. Va.

Starret, posing on the right, points a gun at an unidentified newspaper employee. Starret played many roles in old western movies.

729. Charles Starret at the Hinton Daily News Office, Hinton, W. Va.

From left to right: Harrison Gwinn (President), J. H. Jordan (Cashier), C. B. Mahon (Vice President), N. Read, Harvey Ewart, Judge Miller, Mr. Drumheller, and Mr. Brightwell.

730. National Bank of Summers Board of Directors, Hinton, W. Va.

Richards pictured standing in front of the gas station which is pictured on the right.

731. 'Stud' Richards at Esso Station, Summers County, W. Va.

Looking at the building located on Temple St. Three unidentified children are pictured loitering by the entrance.

732. Dr. Stokes' Office, Hinton, W. Va.