Search Results

Unidentified people walk along the pedestrian path on the bridge. Old Toll House is pictured in the background on the left.

733. New Hinton Bridge, Hinton, W. Va.

View from Summers Street. People line the sidewalks while a horse-drawn carriage makes its way across the road. Subjects unidentified.

734. Looking Up 3rd Ave, Hinton, W. Va.

Four unidentified men pose by the building's entrance. The store windows advertise "American Field and Hog Fencing: For Sale Here" and "The Two Johns". This is became the location of Danny Foster's in 1986.

735. 3rd Avenue Store, Hinton, W. Va.

Picture of one of Hinton's early drug stores. It was located next to the First National Bank on 3rd Ave. Wade H. Gwinn, one of the store's operators, is the gentleman leaning against the post on the left. This three-story brick building housed apartments on the upper floors.

736. Hinton Drug Co., Hinton, W. Va.

The building, located on the corner of Temple Street and 3rd Avenue, is decorated in American flags.

737. First National Bank of Hinton, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified man crosses the street. Rose's Drugstore pictured on the left.

738. Corner of 3rd Ave. and Temple St., Hinton, W. Va.

Looking at the corner of 3rd Ave. and Temple St. Subject unidentified.

739. Third Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

A truck passes by the line of parked cars. First National Bank building pictured on the right.

740. Corner of Temple St. & 3rd Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

Four unidentified men pose by the entrance. The bank is located on the corner of 3rd Ave. and Temple St.

741. First National Bank Building, Hinton, W. Va.

Crowds gather along the street to watch what appears to be a parade. Pictured in the background is First National Bank, H. H. Woolworth Co., G. C. Murphy Co., Willey Hardware, Westinghouse Appliances, and A. W. Cox Department Store.

742. View of Temple Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Hinton's oldest store doing business under the same trade name. Noted as one of West Virginia's finest men's stores. In 1952, the HUB Clothing Co. opened its doors for business in a room on 3rd Avenue.

743. Hub Clothing Co., Hinton, W. Va.

Interior of the store located on Temple St. A crowd of people shuffle through the store and examine the products for sale. Subjects unidentified.

744. Hub Clothing Co., Hinton, W. Va.