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Pictured is Forward Madeline Carman, Forward Cora Litsinger, Center Rebecca Huffman, Guard Mary Wicker, Guard Fawn Rogers, and Captain Fannie Quisenberry. During the season of 1920-21, the girls finished 4-6.

13. Hinton High School Girls' Basketball Team, Hinton, W. Va.

Group portrait of the Hinton High School Boys' Basketball Team, featuring R. Harford (Captain & Forward), C. Harford (Forward), Falconer (Center), Fox (Guard), and Seldomridge (Guard).The team finished the season 9-9, with a total of 646 points scored.

14. High School Basketball Team, Hinton, W. Va.

A group of high school students pose outside the building. Subjects unidentified.

15. Hinton High School Class Photo, Hinton, W. Va.

Portraits of the first-ever students and faculty of the high school. Subjects unidentified.

16. First Class of Hinton High School, Hinton, W. Va.

A group portraits outside of the high school building. Subjects unidentified.

17. A Hinton High School Class, Hinton, W. Va.

Photo of Mrs. Nell Graham's home economics class at Hinton High School. Pictures id Blanch Carden, Bessie Curtis, Mabel Meador, Layton Ellison, Mamie Krise, Daisy Marsh, Cynthia Ann, Letha Harris, and Vernette Berger.

18. High School Home Economic Class, Hinton, W. Va.

Mrs. Nell Graham's home ec class pictured outside of Hinton High School. Subjects unidentified.

19. Mrs. Graham's Home Economics Class, Hinton, W. Va.

Members from the Class of 1937 pose for a group portriats. Within this photo is Sam McLean, Charles Saunders, Bill Ailstock, Donald Honaker, Dave Harman, Jr., Dempsey Fox, and Ethel Edwards.

20. Hinton High School Graduating Class, Hinton, W. Va.