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'The Chimneys of the salt works pour forth, at short intervals of space, their curling masses of black vapor, while swarms of laborers, and others connected with these establishments, are continually passing to and for, presenting a pleasing coup d'oeil of incessant activity and industry. Nature, indeed, seems to have been prodigal in her bounties to this intersecting region. The Contiguous forest having been almost stripped to supply the fuels to the salt-furnaces; the precious mineral so necessary to human comfort, must have remained for ever useless but for the discovery of inexhaustible beds of coal, so convenient of access as to make the cost of procuring it scarcely worth considering. Sometimes, by suitable platforms and inclined culverts, it is thrown from the mountain-side immediately to the door of the manufactory, and when more remote from the place of consumption, it is transported with equal ease, in wagons or cars, over rail-roads constructed for the purpose'

1. Engraving of Salt-Works on Kanawha River, W. Va.