Search Results

View of the building from the runway.

49. Kanawha Airport Administration Building and Control Tower, Charleston, W. Va.

Interior of a store selling home goods such as decorative items, appliances, and tools.

50. S. & H. Greenstamps Store, Charleston, W. Va.

Street view of the store's entrance. The store sells home decor items, appliances, and tools.

51. Home Goods Store S. & H. Greenstamps, Charleston, W. Va.

Street view of Sanitary Meats, a butcher shop selling a variety of meats.

52. Sanitary Meats Butcher Shop, Charleston, W. Va.

Conlon Bakery, home of Butter-Krust Bread, is an example of Art Deco design and was, at one point, the "world's most modern bakery."

53. Conlon Bakery, Charleston, W. Va.

A large crowd is gathered outside of the state building, likely for an inauguration of some sort.

54. Crowd Gathered Outside Capitol Building, Charleston, W. Va.

A variety of women's shoes are displayed in the windows by the entrance to the shop.

55. Lincoln Boot Shop, Charleston, W. Va.

Employees of the Kroger stand behind a stand of fruits and vegetables.

56. Produce in Window of Kroger, likely Charleston, W. Va.

Dresses and winter coats, among other clothing articles, are displayed in the window by the entrance.

57. Diamond Brothers Clothing Store, Charleston, W. Va.

A group of men stand outside of the theater where advertisements of the film, "Daughters of the Night" are displayed. Daughters of the Night came out in 1924.

58. "Daughters of the Night" at Kearse Theatre, Charleston, W. Va.

A man operates a Michigan loading shovel behind a building reading, "... Caterpillar Service."

59. West Virginia Tractor and Equipment Company Michigan Shovel, Charleston, W. Va.

"The Improved Order of Red Men is one of the nation's oldest patriotic fraternal organizations, established in 1834. Their rituals are modeled after those assumed to be used by Native Americans. The organization claimed a membership of about half a million in 1935, but has declined to a little more than 15,000. The Order's female auxiliary is the Degree of Pocahontas, which dates back to the 1880s."

60. 63rd Annual Session Improved Order of Red Men; 32nd Annual Session Degree of Pocohontas, Charleston, W. Va.