Search Results

Fourth of July celebration.

433. Firing Off a Cannon in Celebration of Holiday, Orchard View Farm, St. Mary's, W. Va.

434. Unidentified Man Holds Wheels of Wrecked Buggy, Foxburg, Pa.

435. Green Family Receiving Mail-Order Groceries, Foxburg, Pa.

Photo was taken in either West Virginia or Pennsylvania.

436. Young Woman Lying Along a Waterfall Surrounded By Laurel

Two men are likely members of the Green family, location is unidentified.

437. Two Men Holding Sticks in the Woods

Picture taken in either Pennsylvania or West Virginia. People in the picture are unidentified.

438. Woman and Group of Children Sit on Rock Alongside Dirt Road

House dates back to time of George Washington.

439. Steam House and Standard Rig Along Allegheny River, Foxburg, Pa.

440. Ice Jam on Allegheny River, Foxburg, Pa.

441. Aunt Grace Green, Foxburg, Pa.

442. Ice Jam on Allegheny River, Foxburg, Pa.

443. St. Mary's High School, St. Mary's, W. Va.

"Uncle Dave Green worked here."

444. Man Stands In Railroad Machine Shop, One Mile South of Foxburg, Pa.