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This three wheeled hand car was used for railroad track inspection. It provided a means of quick railroad transportation using manual power. Similar hand cars were used for mail delivery as well.

493. Man Riding a Velocipede Down Train Tracks, Foxburg, Pa.

3rd from left: Thomas Jefferson Taylor (great grandfather of James Green); 1st from left, back row: Oscar Goodluck; just below Oscar: his wife, Julia Taylor Goodluck; 1st from left, front row: James E. Green (photographer's son); 2nd from left, front row: Virginia Green; 4th from left, front row: daughter of Walter Taylor; 4th from left, back row: Walter Taylor.

494. James Green Family Portrait, Around St. Mary's, W. Va.

495. George Green, World War I Soldier, Foxburg, Pa.

James Green Jr., front center, to his right in checkered dress is Virginia Green,  and behind Virginia is Edith Taylor Green holding a baby.

496. Green Family Portrait, Foxburg, Pa.

497. Mary Rupert Green Feeding Baby Pigs From Bottle of Milk, Foxburg, Pa.

Photographer, James Green sitting on the right, ("after the Panic of 1907"); Front row: to James Sr.'s right is Virginia, to the far left is James Green Jr., Back row: the 2nd woman left might be Edith Green (photographer's wife).

498. James Green Sr. and Family Next to His House in Foxburg, Pa.

499. Speakers Platform Along the Allegheny River on the Fourth of July, Foxburg, Pa.

Edith Taylor Green is James Green (photographer's) wife.

500. Likely Edith Taylor Green, Near Edam, W. Va.

Along the Allegheny River.

501. Wooden Standard Oil Rig, James E. Green Sr. and Jr. Stand at Closest Derrick, in Between Derricks is Stone House Dating Back to George Washington's Time, Foxburg, Pa.

James E. Green St. standing on left, James E. Green Jr. on the far right, Virginia Green standing in front of woman in white dress, and Edith Taylor Green is in the center wearing a dark blouse and white skirt.

502. Zeke Dye House and Farm, Around St. Mary's, W. Va.

503. First Snow on Orchard View Farm, St. Mary's, W. Va.

504. Edith Taylor Green and Children Jeanette, Virginia, and James, Orchard View Farm, St. Mary's, W. Va.