Search Results

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2857. Victims of Mine Disaster, Monongah, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2858. Night Scene of Coke-Ovens in Westmoreland County, PA

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2859. Miners Rehearsing Miner Safety Practice, Thomas, W. Va.

Published by A. C. Bosselman and Co. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2860. Coal Tipple and Plant in Pocahontas Field, Near Bluefield, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2861. Coal Tipple on Kanawha River, Near Montgomery, W. Va.

Published by Bobet News Agency. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2862. Jameson Coal and Coke Company, Mine No. 9 Located South of Fairmont, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2863. Cirrus Coal and Coke Company Plant No. 2, Big Four, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2864. Idamay Mine No. 44 of Bethlehem Mine Corporation, Located South of Farmington, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2865. View of Mead-Tolliyer Coal Company, Killarny, W. Va.

Published by Tom Jones. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2866. South Mine Incline and Tipple, Winifrede Coal Company, Winifrede, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2867. Mine No. 6 Just After Explosion, Monongah, W. Va.

Published by White Pharmacy Co. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2868. A Mine Opening in Pocahontas Coalfield, Near Bluefield, W. Va.