Search Results

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2893. Train and Logs at Mill Dam, Dobbin, W. Va.

Published by A.C. Bosselman and Company. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2894. Poor House From Hill, Elm Grove, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. Published by O.M. White. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2895. Chaffey's Mill, William, W. Va.

Group of soldiers pose in front of tents. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2896. W. Va. National Guard Unit

Group of soldiers sit outside of tent rows. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2897. W. Va. National Guard Encampment

Lone soldier stands guard outside of tents. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2898. W. Va. National Guard Encampment

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2899. W. Va. National Guard in Drill

See original for correspondence. Published by E.G. White. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

2900. Spruce Forest and Lumber Mills, Dunlevie, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2901. Fordson Tractor Being Utilized on This Portable Operation to Haul Log-Cars to Mill

See original for correspondence. Published by Dunlevie Drug Store. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2902. Dunlevie Mill and Pond, Dunlevie, W. Va.

Published by Dunlevie Drug Store. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2903. Dunlevie Mill, Dunlevie, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

2904. Loggers Stand Atop Felled Logs, Probably Dobbins, W. Va.