Search Results

Lark and Nannie pictured sitting on the porch outside their home, where Prince and Eva Neely first set up married life. The house is located near the Larkin-Meadors store.

3361. Lark and Nannie Meador Farm House near Mouth of Bluestone River, Summers County, W. Va.

Drawn, colored depiction of the city set beside New River.Postcard postmarked January 22, 1933 was published by Dolin Bros. of Hinton, W. Va. See original for correspondence.

3362. Bird's Eye View of Hinton, W. Va.

Lilly and Cole pose in front of a house holding hands, as if in a ballroom dancing pose.

3363. Cloy Lilly & Della Cole, True, W. Va.

Postcard published by Tom Jones of Cincinnatti, Ohio. Three unidentified men stand behind the counter on the left while a group of men sit at a table in the background.

3364. Rose's Drug Store Interior, Hinton, W. Va.

Horses draped in Red Cross flags pull a cart covered in uniformed persons and decorated seats. The drug store is pictured in the background.

3365. American Red Cross Parade Float in front of Rose's Drug Store, Hinton, W. Va.

Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Ballengee, the card reads, "This is our seventh anniversary and we wish to thank you for your patronage and your hearty appreciation of our efforts. Your patronage has helped us to grow and has enabled us to put forth greater efforts to satisfy you with the best of drug store goods at all times at the lowest possible price. We take pleasure in serving you and whether your wants be large or small you always receive the utmost courtesy and attention. Remember our store is always at your service in every way and every time. Yours very truly, Rose's Drug Store."Following the message, Shan Rose has personally signed the postcard.

3366. Rose'e Drug Store Seventh Anniversary Postcard, Hinton, W. Va.

The Thayers' from Charleston, W. Va. lived in this cottage before the Sulphur Spring burned it down, according to a description on the back of the postcard.Published by Pence Springs Community Club.

3367. Old Log Cabin, Pence Springs, W. Va.

View of the awning that sits over a spring running through the grounds.

3368. Sulphur Spring, Pence Springs, W. Va.

See original for correspondence.

3369. The Sulpho Alkaline Spring, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Drawn depiction of the lawn. in the background, two automobiles make their down down the windy road.

3370. The Grove, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Drawn depiction of the grand hotel building and grounds.Published by E. C. White of Ronceverte, W. Va. See original for correspondence.

3371. Pence Springs Hotel, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Drawn depiction of the grand hotel building located along the C. & O. Railroad.Published by E. G. White of Ronceverte, W. Va.

3372. Valley Heights Hotel, Pence Springs, W. Va.