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From left to right: Jim Ritchie, Barbara Romano, Martha Corson, and Lee Patrone.

1. Student Group, West Virginia University

Jim Ritchie is the tallest man in the photo.

2. Mountaineer Royalty, Jim Ritchie and Barbara Romano, Crowned during Mountaineer Week, West Virginia University

Sitting, from left to right, is Manager Ronald Lewellen, Jerry Turner, Butch Goode, Jim Reiss, Jim Warren, Jay Jacobs, and Manager Jim Cook.Standing, from left to right, is Assistant Coach Jim Sottile, Jerry West, Jim Ritchie, Joe Posch, Pat Duffy, Willie Akers, and Coach Quentin Barnette.

3. West Virginia University Basketball Team Freshmen, Morgantown, W. Va.

In the front row is Jim Warren, Paul Miller, Willie Akers, Jerry West, Joe Posch, Jim Ritchie, and Lee Patrone.In the middle row is Coach Fred Schaus, Asst. George King, Ed Bode, Nick Serdich, Kenny Ward, Butch Goode, freshman coach Quentin Barnette, and trainer Whitey Gwynne.In the back row is manager Tony Minard, Dick DuBois, Nick Visnic, Paul Popovich, and equipment custodian Carl Roberts.

4. West Virginia University Basketball Team Portrait, Morgantown, W. Va.