Search Results

Engraving of J.W. Shields.  Likeness from the last photograph from life.  Johnson, Fry and Co. Publishers New York.  Entered according to act of Congress AD1862 by Johnson, Fry and Co. in the clerks offuce of the district court for the southern district of NY.

889. Shields, J. W.

Lithograph of Confederate Commanders:  Hood, A.P. Hill, Davis, Stuart, Jackson, Lee, Longstreet, J.E. Johnston, Beauregard.  Copyrighted by the Notman Photo Co. Limited 3 Park St. Boston, Mass.  EUC.LAFRICAIN.  Letter attached on the back from The Travelers Insurance Company to Roy Bird Cook stating:  Dear Mr. Cook:  We had so many inquries about our lithograph of Confederate Commanders that we had a number of copies made.  We are sending you one herewith.  While it is not quite as large as the original, we hope it will serve your purpose.  Very truly yours,  Colin Simkin, Advertising Assistant.

890. Confederate Commanders

Portrait of Albert Gallatin Jenkins.

891. Jenkins, Albert Gallatin

Portrait of George Custer Armstrong.

892. Custer, George Armstrong

Engraving of Major General C.C. Augur by A. H. Ritchie.

893. Augur, Major General C. C.

After the confederates had crossed the fourth ford General Garnett again endeavored to rally his men, standing waving his hand on an exposed point near the river bank, by his side only one young man (Chaplet), wearing the uniform of the Georgia Sharpshooters.  Three of Dumont's men fired at the same time, and Garnett and his companion fell at the first round.  The men rushed across, and on turning the body discovered that the Confederate leader of Western Virginia had paid the penalty; he was shot through the heart.  Major Gordon, U.S.A., closed his eyes reverently, and Colonel Dumont, coming up, had him carried into a grove close by, where they laid him down, taking care of his sword and watch, to be sent with his body to his family.  From Leslie's Illustrated Weekly; Frank Leslie Illustrated Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War, etc.   Publisher  Mrs. Frank Leslie, NY. ca, 1896.

894. Civil War Battle of Carrick's Ford, West Virginia, Discovery of the Body of General Garnett, by Major Gordon and Colonel Dumont, after the Battle

Engraving of Major General William W. Averill by A. H. Ritchie.

895. Averill, Major General William W.

Portrait of Major General William W. Averill, 1st Division of West Virginia Cavalry.

896. Averill, Major General William W.

Engraving of Colonel Edward D. Baker, 1st California Volunteers by A. H. Ritchie.

897. Baker, Colonel Edward D.

Engraving of Brig. General Louis Blenker from Photograph by Brady.

898. Blenker, Brigadier General Louis

Engraving of General John G. Barnard by A. H. Ritchie.

899. Barnard, General John G.

Engraving of Colonel Lewis Benedict by A.H. Ritchie.

900. Benedict, Colonel Lewis