Search Results

Supply store with wagon wheels stacked in front.  The Cairo Opera House is upstairs.

49. Supply Store and Opera House, Cairo, Ritchie County, W. Va.

View of J. M. Barbe's home in Harrisville. There is a man and a woman on the porch and two children in the yard.

50. J. M. Barbe Home, Harrisville, W. Va.

51. Myles Manufacturing Company, Harrisville, W. Va.

52. Aerial View of a Town in Ritchie County, W. Va.

53. School Building at Auburn, Ritchie County, W. Va.

54. White Oak Methodist Episcopal Church, Ritchie County, W. Va.

55. Moats Homestead, Harrisville, Ritchie County, W. Va.

56. Homes Along the C & K Railroad Tracks in Cairo, Ritchie County, W. Va.

Outside view of the Morris Building. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company is on the left, and the 5-10 cent Store of Harrisville is on the left.

57. Morris Building, Harrisville, W. Va.

'Burning off the gas from an oil well in Ritchie County.  This is a wood derrick. The flaming torches are to remove the gas out of the oil; a waste that isn't occurring today; it is too precious.'

58. Oil Derrick and Crew, Ritchie County, W. Va.

59. Dr. Rymer and Son with Fish from Little Kanawha River, Ritchie County, W. Va.

60. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depot, Petroleum, Ritchie County, W. Va.