Search Results

1. Raine Andrews Lumber Company Mill at Evenwood, Randolph County, W. Va.

2. Mill and Pond, Evenwood, W. Va.

'"Evenwood, above the mill" (written by Dr. Ladwig). Same building, but from across the river or pond'.

3. Above the Mill in Evenwood, W. Va.

4. Unprocessed Logs in Mill Pond, Evenwood, W. Va.

'Raine-Andrew's Company and Dr. Offices in Evenwood, W. Va. before 1914 and after-Cornelia's comments on the back of the photo.

5. Raine- Andrew's Lumber Company Office in Evenwood, W. Va.

6. Lumber Docks in Evenwood, W. Va.

The body of water could possible be a pond or a river.

7. Logs in the River, Evenwood, W. Va.

8. Crew Loading Logs with a Steam Loader, Evenwood, W. Va.

9. Mill Workers in Evenwood, W. Va.

'Treasurer and Ground Manager of Raine-Andrews Lumbar Company, Evenwood, W. Va.'.

10. T.W. Raine, Evenwood, W. Va.

Dr. Ladwig's house can be seen in the far left of the photo.

11. View of the Mill and Town, Evenwood, W. Va.

12. Water Gates at Evenwood, W. Va.