Search Results

View of Nurse Marie Isselstein entering a car.

1. Nurse Marie Isselstein

2. Unidentified Nurse

A nurse cares for a young boy's injured toe. Subjects unidentified.

3. Nurse's Aid Station at Camp Thomas Lightfoot, Summers County, W. Va.

Doctors, patients and nurses stand on the balcony. On the ground level are John Frances and Mary Ellen "Mattie" Bigony. Dr. John Charleton Bignoy is pictured on the horse as a child.

4. Bigony Hospital, Summers County, W. Va.

A girl waits as her height is measured on the left, while her companion wait on a scale as her weight is being measured. A nurse in the background points to a series of letters to test eyesight. A young girl sitting on the right waits as her pulse is being taken. Subjects unidentified.

5. 4-H Health Group at an Unidentified Camp Location

Eight nurses standing outside the Office and Private Residence of the Monongalia County Hospital.

6. Staff at Monongalia County Hospital, Morgantown, W. Va.

A group of nurses standing outside of Monongalia County Hospital, which was located on the corner of Willey and Prospect Streets in Morgantown.

7. Nurses of Monongalia County Hospital, Morgantown, W. Va.