Search Results

Print number 813.

1. Star City Football Team, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Print number 811.

2. Coca Cola Baseball Team Champions, Morgantown, W. Va.

Print number 812.

3. Coca Cola All Stars, W. Va. Amateur Champions

Print number 477c.

4. Pursglove Baseball Team, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Print number 477b.

5. Osage Coffee Shop Baseball Team, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Print number 477a.

6. Canyon Baseball Team

Print number 473. The team was probably from  Monongalia County.

7. Knights of Pythias Basketball Team

Print number 472a.

8. Masontown Valley High School Football Team

Print number 470. From right to left: Rodabaugh, manager; Wilson, Blaney, Brown, Pete Palumbo, Roth, Patsy Palumbo, Goldstrom, C. Smith, H.H. Hogue, coach.

9. Masontown Valley District High School, Sectional Basketball Champions

G.A. Pearin: Cumberland, Md.; H.J. Blaud: Weston, W. Va.; D.H. Courtney: Morgantown, W. Va.; J.H. Stewart: Elsinore, W. Va.; S.P. Wells: Parkersburg, W. Va.; C.N. Donally: Charleston, W. Va.; S. Gleanjile: Winfield, W. Va.

10. The Seven Wise Men

None of the subjects are identified.

11. Group Portrait of Local Baseball Team, Marion or Harrison County, W. Va.