Search Results

53389. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Aboard Baltimore and Ohio Train Car; Morgantown, W. Va.

Roosevelt stands in background while being introduced to crowd.

53390. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Aboard Baltimore and Ohio Train Car; Morgantown, W. Va.

53391. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Aboard Baltimore and Ohio Train Car; Morgantown, W. Va.

Henry D. Hatfield is pictured as senator-elect from West Virginia. He previously served a term as West Virginia's governor and was a nephew of Devil Anse Hatfield, patriarch of the Hatfield clan.

53392. Henry D. Hatfield

Text on back reads, "Washington: Photo shows the former Senator from West Virginia, Howard Sutherland, who today was appointed Alien Property Custodian. Mr. Sutherland, who is a Republican, supplants Frederick C. Hicks of New York, who died here several days ago. The new custodian served two terms in the House of Representatives and one term in the Senate."

53393. Howard Sutherland

Text on the back reads, "This unusual photo was taken one minute after the shooting of two of the four robbers who were caught in the act of robbing a bank near Morgantown, W. Va. Dr. Defor, seen on the left of the photo, is head of the Vigilance Committee and shot and killed the man on the ground, wounding the other (sitting up), the other two robbers being captured later."

53394. Shooting of Bank Robbers, Bruceton Mills, W. Va.

Additional text reads, "D. Teague, up. B. Rhett, trainer. 1 1/8 mile in 1:59 - mud."

53395. J. G. Cremen's "Havey B," Charles Town, W. Va.

53396. Pearl S. Buck

53397. Pearl S. Buck

Text on back reads, "Author Pearl Buck, an old 'China hand,' visits Pearl Buck School, Eugene, Wednesday. The private institution is 12 years old, helps retarded children. It was Miss Buck's first visit since the school organized."

53398. Pearl S. Buck at the Pearl Buck School, Eugene, O. R.

Caption reads, "Pearl S. Buck, author of "The Kennedy Women," Cowles Book Company, Inc., by arrangement with The John Day Company."

53399. Pearl S. Buck

Caption on back reads, "Pearl S. Buck, author and Nobel prize winner, is in Portland on promotion tour for a new foundation to help children of American servicemen. At right is Theodore F. Harris, president of the foundation."

53400. Pearl S. Buck and Theodore F. Harris