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53845. Pearl Buck with Friends

53846. Pearl Buck

53847. Pearl Buck

Pictured are members of the Swedish royal family, including King Gustav V (fifth from left) and then-Crown Prince Gustav, later to become King Gustav VI Adolf (third from left). At this ceremony, Pearl Buck was present to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

53848. Nobel Prize Ceremony, Stockholm, Sweden

53849. Pearl Buck

53850. Pearl Buck

53851. Pearl S. Buck Enjoys Lunch With Other 'Professional Women'

53852. Clerk of Court Office, Lewis County, W. Va.

53853. At YMCA Camp Horseshoe, Tucker County, W. Va.

53854. View of Collins Colliery Co., Glen Jean, W. Va.

The caption reads: "This scene shows rescuers at work at the mouth of No. 8 mine: broken and twisted machinery shown in foreground to the right."

53855. Aftermath of Explosion at Monongah Mine No. 8, Monongah, W. Va.

53856. Anthony Bowen, mayor of Fairmont, W. Va.