Search Results

Three children of varying ages are playing in a yard surrounded by a picket fence.

13. Portrait of Three Children

Image of a young boy playing in a garden.

14. Portrait of Child Playing in Garden


15. Portrait of Child Riding Wooden Tricycle Through Garden

A baby and a toddler posed for portrait.

16. Portrait of Two Children

17. Portrait of Two Babies

18. Portrait of Young Boy

19. Portrait of Baby and Young Girl

20. Portrait of Young Boy

A cabinet card portrait of an unidentified little boy dressed in velvet trimmed dress and straw hat, standing with a rocking horse.

21. Little Boy with Rocking Horse

A cabinet card portrait of an unidentified little girl wearing a lace trimmed dress and high buttoned shoes and a look of boredom. Inscribed on the back of the photograph, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to Uncle 'Pug.'"

22. Portrait of Little Girl in West Virginia

'Guess who? Thelma and Wendall Cooper, children of Florence Burle Cooper.'

23. Thelma and Wendall Cooper

'Little Vera Ely who died at 3-years-old. Mrs. W. E. Ely 600 Julian St. Parkersburg'

24. Vera Ely, Parkersburg, W. Va.