Search Results

193. Portrait of Unidentified Young Man, Fairmont, W. Va.

Unidentified young boy in a suit with a very ruffled collar. Large mounted prints such as this are called cabinet cards.

194. Portrait of Young Boy, Grafton, W. Va.

A young man wearing a stiff collar, a suit and tie.

195. Unidentified Young Man, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

An older man with a long, grey beard.

196. Portrait of Unidentified Older Man, Uniontown, Pa.

A series of photographs of an entertaining young man in various poses and costumes.

197. Series of Comic Images of Unidentified Young Man

Cased ambrotype photograph of an unidentified young man. The emulsion of this fragile image is beginning to fall off the plate. Ambrotypes were popular in the mid-1800's

198. Cased Portrait of Young Man, W. Va.

Cased image, possibly a tintype, of an unidentified boy.

199. Portrait of Well Dressed Teenage Boy

Probably a tintype photograph of an unidentified boy.

200. Cased Portrait of Teenage Boy

Probably a tintype photograph of an unidentified, well dressed young man wearing a military style kepi.

201. Cased Portrait of Young Man

Information included on the back of the carte de viste, " 'Morgantown Hill', morning of 21st, August, '73, Uniontown, In memorial of one of the happiest of days."

202. Portrait of Young Man Wearing Military Kepi

A cabinet card photograph of a couple waering the fashions of the day including hats.

203. Portrait of Unidentified Man and Woman, Fairmont, W. Va.

Back of photo says: "By T.W. Arnett"

204. Unidentified Young Man, Fairmont, W. Va.