Search Results

Possibly in Harrison County.

205. Tintype Portrait of Unidentified Man and Woman

cabinet card image taken by noted artist, Thornton Barrette.

206. Portrait of Unidentified Man

207. Group Portrait of Unidentified Men

Possibly taken in Harrison County.

208. Tintype Portrait of Unidentified Family

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

209. Unidentified Soldier of First W. Va. Infantry

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

210. Two Unidentified Timber Cutters

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

211. Unidentified Man and Child on Front Porch of Home, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Man poses by his horse drawn carriage. He was killed on July 14, 1919 near the Red Bank in the Forest Hill district.

212. Assyrian Peddler

Print number 1410.

213. Man Holding an Early Brain Teaser Toy Puzzle

214. Unidentified Man With a Pile of Gigantic Gourds, Pa.

215. James Edwin Green Jr. in His Kilt

216. Collodion Glass Plate Negative of an Illustrated and Unidentified Man, Likely from Eastern Panhandle of W. Va.