Search Results

229. Huntington Labor Council

The photo was taken at the convention of Superintendents of West Virginia.  For the identification of attending superintendents, refer to the original.

230. Superintendents in Examination Room, State Capitol Building, Charleston, W. Va.

Back row: Rom Rigby; Wm. Hoenstem; Moocher; Calvin Martin; Joe Burkhart; John Werline; Unknown; John Bezner; Burns and Ed Shay.  Front Row: Warner Martin; Zearley Wallot and Pat McDonald.

231. Star City Glassworkers, W. Va.

The photo was taken at Mt. Wood Cemetery in Wheeling honoring S. P. Hullihen, M.D., D.D.S. (father of Oral Surgery in U. S. ): some attendees in the picture are identified as follows 1) C. Baxter Morris, D.D.S. President W. Va. State Dental Society 2) G. B. Writes, D.D.S., Pres. American Dental Assoc. 3)Edward P.  Armbrecht, D.D.S. Chairman Hullihen Day Celebration, City of Wheeling 4)F. N. Carroll, D.D.S., Pres. Wheeling district Dental Society 5)W. D. Giesler, D.D.S., Member of  Wheeling District Dental Society.

232. Ceremony Honoring S. P. Hullihen , M.D. , D. D. S., Wheeling, W. Va.

From left to right 1) Unknown 2) Harold Stassen 3) Unknown 4) President Irvin Stewart.

233. Conferring a Degree, West Virginia University

'L. B. L. C. Class.'

234. Group of Men in front of First Methodist Episcopal Church, Charleston, W. Va.

235. Secretary of State D. Pitt O'Brien Administering Oath of Office to Don Crislip, Executive Director of Industrial and Publicity Commission

Seated: Bud Phares; Pres. Glassworkers, H. Kilgore and Berger, Pres. Dist 2 Glassworkers.

236. Glassworkers Union Members

237. Col. Reynolds and Hewitt

238. Col. Reynolds and Pickens

239. Dr. Joshi and Mrs. Swentzel

John Corcoran is in the center.

240. Consol's John Corcoran and Two other Men at a Conference