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Eugene A. Carter rides his horse in front of a parade in Charleston, W. Va.

1. Parade in Downtown Charleston, W. Va.

'At left is Eugene A. Carter.'

2. Union Men with Picket Signs at the Corner of Kanawha Boulevard and Duffy Street in Charleston, W. Va.

A photograph of Henry Kiser (right) shaking hands with Eugene A. Carter (left).

3. Henry Kiser, Attorney

'Philip M. Kaiser, Assistant Secretary of Labor, addresses the 1951 Morgantown Labor Day Celebration.  George A. Crago, third from left, was master of ceremonies for the affair.  Labor and government representatives shown on the speakers stand are, left to right, Richard Kennel, reception committee, commissioner of Labor 1957-.  William Quinn, AFL organizer; Crago, William Radford, AFL labor union; William Hynes, UMW District 4 president, Kaiser, Senator M.M. Neely, State Attorney General William Marland, Eugene A. Carter, state federation of labor AFL president and T. C. Dethloff, AFL organizer.  Senator Harley M. Kilgore was seated directly behind the speaker and is not shown in the picture.

4. Philip M. Kaiser Addresses Morgantown Labor Day Celebration

5. John Dean and E. A. Carter, Stonewall Jackson High School

President Carter on left and Secretary Andrews on right.

6. President E. A. Carter and Secretary Volney Andrews, West Virginia Federation of Labor

'Left to right: Ollie Martin, delegate from Charleston Stereotypers local; Bruce Campbell, Southern W. Va. AFL Organizer; Mrs. Campbell, Vice Pres of Kanawha Valley Central Labor Union Auxiliary; Volney Andrews, State Sec-Treas, and E. A. (Gene) Carter, named to a new term as state AFL president.  All are Charleston residents.

7. West Virginia Federation of Labor Convention in Huntington, W. Va.

'Re-elected AFL officers are congratulated moments after the vote at the closing session yesterday of the West Virginia State Federation of Labor convention in Huntington, Left to right are Ollie Martin, delegate from Charleston Stereotypers local; Bruce Campbell, southern West Virginia AFL organizer; Mrs. Campbell, vice president of Kanawha Valley Central Labor Union Auxiliary; Volney Andrews, State Secretary-Treasurer, and E. A. (Gene) Carter, named to a new term as state AFL president.  All are Charleston residents.'

8. West Virginia Federation of Labor Convention in Huntington, W. Va.

9. President Carter and Sceretary Andrews of the West Virginia Federation of Labor

Secretary Andrews (left), Pritchard Dillon--President Huntington CLU (center) and President Carter (right) at Huntington Convention in 1951.

10. Secretary Andrews, Pritchard Dillon and President Carter at the West Virginia Federation of Labor Convention in Huntington, W. Va.