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'Left to Right - (Speaker's Table); two unknown men, George Clinton (Parkersburg), Governor Cecil Underwood, Senator John D. Hoblitzell, Jr., Robert B. McDougle (Parkersburg), Leonard Hall, Senator Chapman Revercomb, three unknown.

13. Dinner Honoring Senator John Hoblitzell, Jr.

'Left to Right - Unknown, Senator John D. Hoblitzell, Jr., Senator Chapman Revercomb, Governor Cecil Underwood' at President Eisenhower's speech at the Kanawha Airport.

14. Senator John D. Hoblitzell at Kanawha Airport, Charleston, W. Va.

'Foreground - Governor Cecil Underwood; Background (Left to Right) - Mrs. Cecil Underwood, (?), Senator Chapman Revercomb, (?), Senator John D. Hoblitzell, Jr., (?), (?), (?)'

15. Republican State Convention

16. Chapman Revercomb

View of the platform at the Field House during the ceremonies. Left to Right: A.C. Spurr, Senator Chapman Revercomb, Wm. G. Thompson, Rev. C.W. Snyder, President James B. Conant of Harvard, President Stewart, President Vannevar Bush of the Carnegie Institution, Raymond E. Salvati, C.T. Neff, Jr., K. Douglas Bowers, Mrs. George D. Hill and Dr. Thomas L. Harris.

17. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University