Search Results

Identified: James Ewing, Lousie Underwell, Governor Fleming (back row, far right), Gypsy Fleming, Fay Hartley, Brad Clarkson.

1. West Virginia Governor A. B. Fleming and Friends

Front Row Left to Right: Mrs. Woolfe; Edd Knight; James Ewing; Miss Etta Hayes; Back Row, L to R: Miss Gypsie Fleming; W. D. Payne; S. S. Green; Mrs. S. S. Green; Miss Ida Fleming; Governor A. B. Fleming. The photograph was taken at S. S. Green's house on Broad Street in Charleston, West Virginia

2. Governor A. B. Fleming With Family and Friends, Charleston, W. Va.

'Back row: Jim Ewing, Louise Moderwell, and Gov. A. B. Fleming; Front Row: Brad Clarkson, Gypsy Fleming, Fay Hartley (married Louis Moderwell); Oh, Gypsy! "Or light or dark, or short or tall, She sets a springe to snare them all; All's one to her - above her fan, She'd make sweet eyes at Caliban."'

3. Governor Fleming and Others on the Long's Porch