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The building was later used as the school's band room during the 1980's and early 90's.

13. Sandstone School, Summers County, W. Va.

Band members play to celebrate the East Bank High School basketball team winning its first ever state championship title. Young Clinton Jeffreys, mascot for the East Bank High School band, blows a horn to celebrate the homecoming of the State Basktball Champions.

14. Celebration for East Bank High School State Champions, East Bank, W. Va.

Pictured from left to right are Jacob Harsh (grandfather to Stanley Harsh and Ada Fitzwater); Aldernon Crim; Joseph L. Johnson (grandfather to Karl Myer); and Anthony Vannoy (grandfather to Marada Waddell).Band concerts were an important part of the entertainment at early fairs. This local band played at the first Street Fair, which was held yearly for 27 years.Jacob Harsh (b. 5/15/1839-d.4/21/1909) was married to Cinderillia Harsh (b. 3/7/1841-d.9/5/1925) and was brother to Samuel F. Harsh.

15. Local Band at First Street Fair in Philippi, W. Va.

In the back row, from left to right, are Wed Fiddler, George Fiddler, Frank Amos, unknown, unknown, unknown, Roy Brosius Sr., unknown, and unknown.Seated, from left to right, are unknown, Cy Taylor, unknown, Charlie Fiddler, and unknown.

16. Burnsville Band, Burnsville, W. Va.

Hobert Cosner is pictured playing the snare drums. A group of students and instructors are holding instruments as they stand on the steps in front of the school building.

17. Burnsville Band, Burnsville, W. Va.